Klaaran seuralaisina häärivät isot pojat Musti (josta tuli VSP-pentu) ja Alex (joka oli avoimen luokan eri/4, SA), mutta kumpikaan ei mainittavasti häiriintynyt Klaaran tuoksuista. Näimme pitkästä aikaa myös Helgan isän veljen eli Legon. Legon käytös oli hämmästyttävän paljon samanlaista heilumista kuin Helgallakin :)
Yesterday Klaara participated in Tuulos group dog show. The judge Miro Zlojutro gave Klaara excellent and placed her as the first in intermediate class with a CK:
"21 months old. Feminine head. Nice expression. Scissor bite. Good topline, tailset and -carriage. Correct angulations. Moves free."
In the best bitches only open and champion class bitches were places though. Klaara is in heat but behaved itself nicely. We had some big boys as a company: Marita's Musti (Riverwolf Mustang) who was best male puppy and BOS-puppy and Alex (Oscailte Aon Oistin) who got excellent and was placed as the fourth with a CK in open class. We had also a pleasure to meet with EE & BY CH Pennybright Legolas - Lego received excellent and was the first in the champion class as well as the second in the best males.
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